
These are the happenings of May.


News again huh, well the band has accomplished nothing this week. Yes, that makes two weeks in a row. Today Jordan got back his ACT scores. And as predicted I did better than he did, so take that. I don't know. That's about all that has happened since the last update. Ya, we live the relatively uninteresting lives of unsuccessful punkers. Though we do have one thing to look foreward to. What is this light that shines through our misfortune you ask? Warped Tour. That's right Warped Tour. Well, and masterbation. But back to Warped Tour. All the bands who have reached the level of success that we strive for. That we will never reach. But we'll do our damndest trying.

So, I'm not and never have been a person who was into comic books, but I have discovered the genius of Johnny the Homicidal Maniac. This is the story of Johnny, NNY for short. He is a very disturbed man who lives only to kill people. My good friend Carl lent me the book, Z?: JTHM: Directors Cut. This book is ingenious and brought to us uninhibited by the man who brought us Invader Zim. This book is one of the most morbid things out there, but it is also one of the greatest. So, go buy it and other JTHM merch at

Well, that's all for now. Hopefully some actual band news soon cause I'm gonna run out of things to ramble about. We are still buying souls for those interested in selling us yours or someone elses. All you need to do is sign a little contract or bring us a signed contract giving you the soul and then sign it over to us. WHAT AN EASY WAY TO MAKE $.29 PER SOUL. Soon you'll be rackin in the money. If we start getting a lot of souls we'll be keeping track so we can turn it into some kind of a contest if we have enough interest.



Pay Day for Chris thats all I gotta say. Well we have accomplished pretty much nothing since the variety show in terms of music but what ya gonna do. Were gonna get on the practicing thing. I swear we will. Or we'll atleast think about it. But in terms of the website. We've got some new stuff goin on. There is a new Luke: As Deep as I Can Get in the About Us page. We have also added a Message Board to our arsenal of cool shit. So start signing that. We have also had a discussion about how to become famous and get the chicks. Well, we determined that we must get good and get paying shows. Then we must get the khakis. And then the chicks will come a runnin because everyone knows that the chicks love the khakis. How does this help us get famous? It doesn't but it helps Luke and Geoff get laid.

Friday Nite also has updated their site. So, check it out and look what a lot of their site looks like( for example). We would also like to comment on a few things stated in their News updates. #1. Though it greatly resembles our site, it is nowhere near a well done as ours is. #2. Charlie is not learning anything about vocals from Vuji. If he is learning something it's how to suck. So Charlie, take no lessons from Vuji. Go find a talented singer if you want to take lessons. I'm not saying that I'm a talented singer, I'm just saying that Vuji is not one so you should try to emulate him in anyway. If you want specific examples of Vuji's singing ask me(e-mail, guestbook, message board) or go and see Friday Nite play and request About a Girl. You'll understand completely then. #3. Vuji, your in the Midwest there is no and never will be a Western Front in Petersburg. #4. What's with the Tang and Music comment. Seriously, I'd stay away from that specific tang because I wouldn't want to mess with either of their boyfriends. So, that's my advise to you Vuji. Secondly, on this topic, Vuji- never gonna get any. Charlie- doesn't like girls....ok I'm joking Charlie likes girls. #5. No offense to Lyle, Charlie, and Jordan, but you guys need to stop letting Vuji select your music cause, wow, I don't know what to say other than shitty. But, hey atleast you haven't let him convince you to play any Matchbox 20. And on that topic whats with us being on the same links page as Matchbox 20. I take that as a serious shot. #6. Still no reply on the Death Match challenge. We're still waiting Vuji.

What, it seems like I'm venting. Well, you guessed right. Cops suck. The government sucks. Bush can kiss my ass. Office Wangard can kiss my ass. Whoever in the state government is trying to put the blame on me for Officer Wangard being a dumbass and pulling an illeagal U-turn and getting hit can kiss my ass. On an unrelated note: Vuji can kiss my ass. Now back to politics. So remember how last week a cop pulled an ILLEGAL U-turn in front of me and i hit him. Well, found out that my car is totaled. Then found out that the State wants to try to blame part of the accident on me and not pay me insurance on my car. Can someone please explain to me how that works. Seriously some one comes flying out from between two cars and gets hit because he didn't look to see if there was traffic in the far lane and it's the other person's(me) fault. It's like im getting punished for not having ESP or some shit like that. God must really hate me as this is the second car of mine that has been totalled. So for that God can kiss my ass. I'm sorry if you're religious, but God's really fuckin me over right now so I don't care.

On a up and parting note. I would like to say that we will be offering $.29 per soul in a glass jar with a legally binding, signed and dated, contract handing over the soul to you or us. If the sould is sugned to you then we will have you sign a contract selling it to us. You will then promptly be paid your $.29. So all you little hellions, go and wreap us the souls of many-a-person and get paid for it. It's kinda like prostitution, but with souls, not with the sex act.

Happy Hunting,



Yep. So we had our first show last night. It went pretty well if you ask me. We didn't royally fuck up. Some people even said we were good. Who woulda thunk it. So now we are working to increasing the number of songs we can play. We will probably do some more covers and we are workin on some original songs. That way we can play more shows and you all can see our beautiful faces. Also we now have a Old News page. Why you ask? Well here's why:

The Old News was feeling disgruntled because the New News was getting all the attention on the Home page. The two began to fight. One would think that the Old News would have a huge advantage and would be victorious because they have the numbers, but you must take into consideration that the New News is younger and stronger so the battle was basicly a stalemate. That's where we stepped in. We were perfectly content to let them fightto the death, but when we realized that the fight was going to take a long time we decided it was time for us to intervine. After some intense negotiations, mediated by the band, it was decided that Old News would get its own page to rival New News' page. We made them agree not to have any interpage wars, becuase that would cause chaos on the site. Especially since About Us and Multimedia want to remain neutral in the conflict. Though it kinda surprised us when the Shows page allied with New News and the Merch page allied with Old News. Now we had a dilema because E-mail still remained and we didn't know which way he was gonna go. So we asked him. He told us, "Leave me alone. All i want is some food. Now get in the kitchen and make me a pie." Now this confused us becuase none of us are girls and we don't belong in the kitchen, but then I remebered the rumor that Lyle and Luke can make a DAMN good pie and figured that E-mail must have heard about it.

So we have made it through our first major conflict with little problems. Also Luke: As Deep as I Can Get has been moved to the About Us page. So go there and visit it. Well, thats all for now. Sign the Guestbook and E-mail us.

P.S. - No one was harmed in the Battle of the News and both Old and New are going to recover fully and will live perfectly normal lives. Except they won't be able to have kids becuse it took a swift kick to the nuts of both of them to break them up. I'm sorry it had to come to that but it had to be done.



So plenty of exciting events today. Vuji overslept during his nap after school and was 30mins late to practice. We wont hold it against him cause we(Luke and Chris) were 45. Not by any fault of our own but by the towing and impounding of Chris's reliable and valued Cutless Cierra. Special thanks to Officer Wangard on that one. We wont hold it against ya, Shit happens, ALOT. Long story short a cop making a U-turn on South Grand, during rush hour, after it rained is not a good exapmle of mans god(used as a phrase-god doesnt exist-thats why its lower case) given use of common sense. In the event that anyone is keeping track the cop won, he drove away. Special thanks to Chris's mom and Toms Towing. Court for Officer Wangards ticket is May 21 if anyone wants to go.


So as you've heard from Luke pigs suck... really suck. Why you ask they enforce the laws and keep the peace? Well, because they do completely moronic things. Like pull a U-turn in rush hour traffic without looking and causing some poor kid to not have a car. Well, enough about that.

The variety show. Yep, its tomorrow, Friday May 9th. As you know we are playin two songs. And you must come. Also we would have stickers but that was one of the things that we were gonna do before our little run in with Officer Wangard. So because of that i sincerely doubt that we will be selling stickers at the variety show. But, hey come and see us anyways. Where else can you see Lyle dressed as a cow. I don't know if they will let us do that but we will try to figure out somethin funny to do. Also if you don't come to see us, you should come and see Josie and Jay. Why, you ask? Well because they are DAMN GOOD. I mean my god, I don't even listen to the music they play and i sure as Hell don't plan on missin them. I mean AMAZING. MY GOD. Well, enough about that as well.

Luke: As Deep as I Can Get, will soon be moved to the about us page. He will be giving weekly instalment and we will also offer other band members and friends of the band's opinion on things. Also for those science freaks of you out there. Have you wondered about things like, "What is gravity" and "Space, what exactly is it?" Yes, you could do the obvious thing and look it up on the internet, look in your science book, or ask you science teacher but, all of these things can not compare to the answers given at Jake's Real Fizixs. What is that you ask. Well it is a site devoted to discoveribng the truth behind all these questions. Visit it at



News. Yep... Oh ya news. We got some of that. So the Variety Show is fastly approaching and we haven't been kicked out yet. Note that doesn't mean that we still won't. So if you show up and we aren't present i appologize to you now. No,I personally don't plan on being kicked out of this show, though I don't speak for Luke. In the show we will be performing two songs. That's right, two. That's all they will allow us to do, so what ya gonna do. We will be playing Radio by Alkaline Trio and 867-5309 (Jenny) by Less Than Jake. So come to the show and support us. $5 at the door or $10 if ya want a steak dinner too. MMM...Steak. Luke also would like to state that he hates 5 outta 10 people in the show and will be supplying rotten eggs at the door. What a horrible thing to happen on rotten egg night. But his relationship witht the FREE FOOD is still runnin strong. We are still sold out of stickers and have decided that our time is better spent practicing then making shirts, sorry to disappoint. They will come eventually.

In this update i will also include a section entitled: "Luke: As Deep as I Can Get." This section will entail luke philosophizing about things. This weeks philosophy: "I don't see how God and Santa Claus are different. I mean people stop believing in Santa Claus, but keep believing in God. I mean what's the deal?" If you want to add to, respond to, or argue with Luke about this post somethin on the guestbook or e-mail him at I can't say he will listen to your criticism, but hey you'll atleast have your ignorant opinions heard.

Also i would like to state that Friday Nite can bring it on with Vuji's challenge. We'll fight them anyday. Killer Panda Balloon vs Friday Nite. Death Match. And since two of their members are in our band they can chose a side and Charlie may also defect to the Killer Panda Balloon side if he chooses. We will also be selling tickets to this event because, I mean, there's gonna be funerals to pay for.

Sorry for the length but it was necessary.


P.S. - Happy Birthday to me. Cinco de Mayo not famous for Mexican Independence but for my birth.